Ansible can check the syntax of a playbook using --syntax-check
$ ansible-playbook --syntax-check playbooks/simple/broken-syntax.yml
ERROR! Syntax Error while loading YAML.
The error appears to have been in '/home/vagrant/playbooks/simple/broken-syntax.yml': line 5, column 22, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- name: this task will fail syntax check
debug: msg="hello: world"
^ here
was developed to find various style and usage issues with playbooks and roles, and suggest improvements.
There are several categories of rules:
Every rule is treated as an error — there is no way to mark rules as warnings. You can choose to run specific rules or to exclude specific rules
Code reviews are essential to maintaining codebase quality. We use code reviews to check for standards compliance and best practices, and also to ensure that the change is the right thing to do for future maintenance.
Reviews should be objective - there should be a documented reason for comments made in a review.
Code reviews can lead to less code in the codebase. This can be a good thing. By spotting common patterns, functionality that is in a common role can be removed from an application role (roles do not need to install apache themselves when they can rely on the apache role, for example).
Conversely, code that is specific to an application should be kept away from the more general roles.
is designed to apply an automated code review process to work with an organisation's standards.
As you add new standards to your style guide, you can say what version of standards a playbook or role is designed to meet. This allows older code to not fail against newer standards.
After following the instructions on the ansible-review github repo you can run a review tool on just the changes made against master
This can be run in any ansible repo, against roles or playbooks. To run against all files in a repo (e.g. for a new role), just use
git ls-files | xargs ansible-review
git diff master | ansible-review
Further resources:
Feedback welcomed (positive and negative)